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Despite thousands of years of shamanic psychological clinical trials in the wild, leading to profound revelations of apex love elevations beyond the mind of space and time. Modern scientific research is finally caching up. And we are on the verge of tapping into the extensive healing potential of ENTHEOGENS such as Mother Ayahuasca, DMT, Psilocybin Magic Mushrooms, Sassafras MDMA, LSD, Wily Coyote Peyote and the many other sacred plants recently decriminalized in the great American Cities of Denver, Colorado, Oakland, Santa Cruz California, the Great State of Oregon and the capital itself, Washington DC.

For those unfamiliar with the term, ENTHEOGENS are defined as psychoactive substances

that induce alterations in consciousness, perception, mood and behavior for the intended purposes

of mental or spiritual development within sacred ceremonies of cultures from all over the world.

ENTHEOGENS have traditionally been used to achieve states of transcendent meditation, yoga,

prayer, as well as within sacred music ceremonies such as peyote songs, shamanic drumming and

ecstatic dance. The psychedelic experience is often compared to non-ordinary forms of

consciousness, such as those found within meditation, near-death and mystical experiences, with

science ever recently discovering that our bodies naturally release elevated concentrations of DMT

within the pineal gland. The concept of Ego dissolution also often plays a key role in the psychedelic

experience, as well as feelings of bliss and unity.

After great success in decriminalizing sacred medicines in Washington DC, overwhelmingly

approved by 76% of the capitol’s residents, The Plant Medicine Coalition is now setting its sights on

the national stage by pushing lawmakers to approve federal funding for research into the therapeutic

effects of psychedelic compounds. Additional States such as Illinois, Michigan and most recently,

Hawaii are also looking at decriminalizing ENTHEOGENS and working towards beginning clinical


This comes after a wave of psychedelic research, led by renowned medical institution John

Hopkins, which in 2006 found that the use of psilocybin Mushrooms helped 80% of long term

smokers, the leading cause of cancer, stop smoking for at least 6 months. Even after 1 year, 67% of

the participants in this study were still non-smokers and credited the psilocybin mushroom

experience with altering their thought patterns to help discontinue their harmful addictions.

Following up on this success story, in 2015, another John Hopkins study found that psilocybin

mushrooms were able to treat depression and anxiety in 80% of cancer patients within 6 months of

repeated use. As a result of such significant revelations by the medical establishment, John Hopkins

has determined that their clinical results were SOO compelling that they have decided to invest

significantly into ENTHEOGEN study, launching the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness

Research in 2019 to further analyze the use of psychedelics to treat psychological traumas such as

addiction, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, PTSD, anorexia and OCD. You can Go to to learn more about the science behind the psychedelic mind findings.

In light of such studies, the FDA has recently granted breakthrough therapy status to

MDMA, a derivative of the sassafras tree, in the treatment of PTSD, anxiety and depression after

privately funded MAPS or the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, found that 56%

of participants experienced significant relief, SOO much so that they no longer even met the

requirements for PTSD! As a result of such astonishing findings, UFC President Dana White has

recently announced that his organization will be looking into MDMA and other ENTHEOGENS as

therapies to help reduce trauma and promote a healthier mental state for fighters who often

experience excess anger, depression, anxiety, and PTSD like symptoms. Similarly, Heavyweight

boxing Champ Mike Tyson has also recently become a major proponent and spokesman for plant

medicines such as Cannabis and Ayahuasca, crediting his journey back to prime fighting shape at age

54 to 5 MeO-DMT, Cannabis and Hemp superfoods. It’s good to know that we have true

heavyweight champions on our side in the fight for CEREBRAL liberty and freedom to choose our

own medicines with the science to help maintain proper safety for a longstanding healing tradition

that for far too long, has remained in the shadows. Thanks for listening to SykoActive News with

your Host Grant Lane and may we continue to safely explore consciousness and enjoy the freedom

to choose medicines that best fit our unique INVIDUAL needs. Stay Blessed and EXPLORE



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