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SykoActive News Updates
Despite thousands of years of shamanic psychological clinical trials in the wild, leading to profound revelations of apex love elevations beyond the mind of space and time. Modern scientific research is finally caching up. And we are on the verge of tapping into the extensive healing potential of ENTHEOGENS such as Mother Ayahuasca, DMT, Psilocybin Magic Mushrooms, Sassafras MDMA, LSD, Wily Coyote Peyote and the many other sacred plants recently decriminalized in the great American Cities of Denver, Colorado, Oakland, Santa Cruz California, the Great State of Oregon and the capital itself, Washington DC.
Detroit Just Decriminalized Psychedelics
Detroit has joined the growing number of cities and states that have decriminalized entheogenic plants and fungi, known as “magic mushrooms” and psychedelics. Voters, including the city’s incumbent mayor who won a re-election, passed Proposal E on Tuesday night to decriminalize entheogenic plants and fungi.
Massachusetts Cities Are Decriminalizing Psychedelic Entheogens
Another Massachusetts city has approved a measure to deprioritize enforcement of laws against the possession, use and distribution of a wide range of psychedelics such as psilocybin and ayahuasca.
California Moves Closer To Psychedelic Decriminalization
The California activism group, decriminalize nature, pushes forward with psychedelic decriminalization.
Will Vermont Bring Back House Bill H.878?
Lawmakers in The Green Mountain State introduced a new bill in 2020 that would remove three psychedelics including, a psychoactive plant from Asia known as kratom from Vermont's list of controlled substances. If the bill would have passed, entheogenic drugs such as Peyote, Ayahuasca, and Psilocybin containing magic mushrooms will be decriminalized in this democratically controlled state.
Psychedelics Coming Soon To Somerville
Nature Wins again as Somerville Massachusetts is one step closer to decriminalizing psychedelics including Magic Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, Peyote, and Iboga.
Ann Arbor is 3rd U.S. City to Decriminalized Entheogens
Ann Arbor’s City Council unanimously passed the resolution after a campaign organized by Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor, which had support from the board of directors of Decriminalize Nature. The resolution is adapted from the Decriminalize Nature resolution that passed in Oakland in 2019 and follows a trend of decriminalizing psychedelic substances for breakthrough therapy treatments focused on treating mental and emotional health issues.
Entheogenic Plants and Fungi: Patients Seek Natural Alternatives.
Patients can now consult with psychotherapist in a safe setting and treat themselves with all natural medicines including Peyote, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Kratom, Iboga and MDMA.