your daily dose of Innovative, trending, and groundbreaking stories from across the cosmos.
Will Vermont Bring Back House Bill H.878?
Lawmakers in The Green Mountain State introduced a new bill in 2020 that would remove three psychedelics including, a psychoactive plant from Asia known as kratom from Vermont's list of controlled substances. If the bill would have passed, entheogenic drugs such as Peyote, Ayahuasca, and Psilocybin containing magic mushrooms will be decriminalized in this democratically controlled state.
Hawaii Says Aloha to Psychedelics
Hawaii may soon be the next vacation destination for anyone looking for a psychedelic retreat as a new state measure proposes to legalize psilocybin for therapeutic use after a certified panel reviews the medicinal benefits and science behind psychedelic mushrooms.
The United Nations Rethink Entheogens
The United Nations calls on Governments across the globe to consider decriminalizing psychedelic drug use and the possession of drugs for personal use.
Ann Arbor is 3rd U.S. City to Decriminalized Entheogens
Ann Arbor’s City Council unanimously passed the resolution after a campaign organized by Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor, which had support from the board of directors of Decriminalize Nature. The resolution is adapted from the Decriminalize Nature resolution that passed in Oakland in 2019 and follows a trend of decriminalizing psychedelic substances for breakthrough therapy treatments focused on treating mental and emotional health issues.