your daily dose of Innovative, trending, and groundbreaking stories from across the cosmos.
Welcome to the SykoActive Studios Daily-Dose
Dive into the latest breakthroughs and transformative trends at the intersection of psychedelics, cannabis, and AI-driven research. Embrace the cutting-edge developments reshaping our understanding and approach to mental and spiritual health.
Innovative Cannabis Studies Propel Research Forward
Cannabis research is advancing rapidly in various fields, from neuroscience to medicine to policy. Scientists are exploring the effects of cannabis and its components on the brain, the body, and the society.
The Blue Wave Washes Up Cannabis Reform to the Shores of America
33 states and D.C. had passed laws legalizing or decriminalizing medical marijuana with 11 states and D.C. have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes. Nine of which were through statewide citizen-initiated ballot measures and two through state legislative processes. On Tuesday, 7 initiatives covering cannabis reform were on the ballot and all of these measures passed. Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota have approved statewide ballot measures to legalize marijuana for personal use.
Federal Government Moves to Legalize Cannabis with The MORE Act
The MORE Act would decriminalize cannabis on the federal level, a current back-and-forth obstacle that states have faced since they were given the authority to legalize on a state level.