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SykoActive Studios Media Newsletter

January 30, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the SykoActive Studios Media Newsletter, where we bring you the most groundbreaking and influential stories. Our focus spans a variety of engaging fields including Psychedelics & Cannabis, Science & Technology, Space Exploration, Generative AI Language Models, and Mental & Physical Health. Dive into these captivating updates and discover the future unfolding before us.

πŸ’« Daily Affirmation πŸ’«

"Embrace the unknown, for it is the birthplace of discovery."

πŸ„ Psychedelics & Cannabis 🌲

πŸ†• Cautionary Tales in Psychedelic Research: A guest editorial in ASAM highlighted concerns over similarities between current psychedelic promotion and past opioid marketing strategies. The article warned against repeating history's mistakes, calling for rigorous, unbiased research into psychedelics' safety and effectiv​​e cures.In a recent guest editorial published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), Dr. Anna Lembke and Dr. Keith Humphreys raised some red flags about the current enthusiasm for psychedelic therapies. They compared the current situation to the past opioid crisis, which was fueled by misleading marketing claims and overprescription of painkillers. They argued that psychedelics are not a panacea for mental health problems, and that their potential benefits and risks need to be carefully evaluated by rigorous, unbiased research.

The authors pointed out several similarities between the current psychedelic promotion and the past opioid marketing strategies, such as:

- The use of anecdotal evidence and testimonials to support the efficacy and safety of psychedelics, without sufficient data from randomized controlled trials.

- The appeal to naturalistic fallacies, such as the assumption that because psychedelics are derived from plants or fungi, they are inherently safe and beneficial.

- The creation of a false dichotomy between conventional treatments (such as antidepressants or psychotherapy) and psychedelic therapies, implying that the former are ineffective or harmful, and the latter are superior or revolutionary.

- The influence of financial interests and ideological agendas on the psychedelic research field, which may compromise the objectivity and integrity of the scientific process.

The authors cautioned that these similarities do not necessarily mean that psychedelics will cause a similar public health crisis as opioids did, but they do suggest that we should be wary of repeating history's mistakes. They called for a more balanced and critical approach to psychedelic research, one that acknowledges both the potential benefits and the potential harms of these substances. They also emphasized the need for ethical standards and regulations to ensure that psychedelic therapies are delivered safely and effectively to those who need them.

The authors concluded by stating that they are not opposed to psychedelic research or therapy, but rather they are concerned about the quality and validity of the evidence that supports them. They urged the psychedelic community to embrace rigorous, unbiased research as a way to advance the field and improve patient outcomes.

πŸ†• Regulatory Hurdles and Psychedelic Promise In the world of psychedelics, research continues to surge, particularly in treating conditions like depression and PTSD. However, experts warn of a possible clash between state and federal legal frameworks, which may dampen the enthusiasm around these promising treatments.Psychedelics are a class of substances that alter perception, mood, and cognition. They have been used for centuries by various cultures for spiritual, therapeutic, and recreational purposes. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the potential of psychedelics to treat mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several studies have shown promising results, suggesting that psychedelics can induce lasting positive changes in brain function, personality, and well-being.

However, the legal status of psychedelics remains a major obstacle for researchers and patients alike. Most psychedelics are classified as Schedule I drugs by the federal government, meaning they have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. This makes them illegal to possess, manufacture, or distribute, and imposes strict regulations on scientific research. While some states have taken steps to decriminalize or legalize certain psychedelics, such as psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca, and ibogaine, these initiatives do not override federal law. Therefore, there is a risk of legal conflict and uncertainty for anyone involved in the psychedelic field.

This situation poses significant challenges for the advancement of psychedelic medicine. On one hand, researchers need to comply with rigorous ethical and regulatory standards to obtain approval and funding for their studies. On the other hand, patients who could benefit from psychedelic therapy may face barriers to access or resort to underground sources that may not be safe or reliable. Moreover, the stigma and misinformation surrounding psychedelics may deter some people from seeking or accepting this form of treatment.

The psychedelic community hopes that the growing evidence of the therapeutic potential of these substances will eventually lead to a change in the legal and social landscape. However, this will require a collaborative effort from scientists, policymakers, advocates, and educators to ensure that psychedelics are used responsibly and effectively. As more research is conducted and more people share their experiences, the psychedelic promise may overcome the regulatory hurdles.

πŸ”¬ Science & Technology βš™οΈ

πŸ†• Advances in AI and Quantum Mechanics: Among the latest scientific breakthroughs, a self-assembling DNA system capable of complex pattern recognition stands out. Additionally, significant progress has been made in understanding electron tunneling, a fundamental quantum ​​Mechanic.In this blog post, I will discuss two of the most exciting developments in the fields of AI and quantum mechanics that have been reported recently. These are a self-assembling DNA system that can perform complex pattern recognition tasks, and a new insight into electron tunneling, a key phenomenon in quantum physics.

First, let me introduce the DNA system. Researchers from Caltech and Harvard have designed a set of DNA strands that can self-assemble into various shapes and patterns, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. The DNA strands act as inputs and outputs for a molecular computation, where the shape of the output depends on the shape of the input. For example, if the input is a letter A, the output could be a letter B. This way, the DNA system can encode and decode information, as well as perform logical operations.

The remarkable thing about this system is that it can also recognize patterns in complex images, such as faces, animals, and landscapes. The researchers achieved this by using a technique called DNA-PAINT, which allows them to create high-resolution images of the DNA shapes using fluorescent probes. By comparing the images of the inputs and outputs, the DNA system can determine whether they match or not. This is similar to how humans and machines recognize patterns in visual data.

The potential applications of this system are enormous. It could be used for biosensing, diagnostics, encryption, data storage, and computation at the nanoscale. It could also inspire new ways of designing AI systems that are more efficient, robust, and adaptable.

The second topic I want to talk about is electron tunneling. This is a quantum phenomenon where an electron can pass through a barrier that would normally be insurmountable in classical physics. For example, an electron can tunnel out of an atom or a molecule, creating an electric current. Electron tunneling is essential for many technologies, such as transistors, lasers, solar cells, and scanning tunneling microscopes.

However, despite its importance, electron tunneling is still poorly understood. One of the main challenges is to measure how long it takes for an electron to tunnel through a barrier. According to quantum theory, there is no definite answer to this question, as the electron exists in a superposition of states before and after tunneling. Some physicists have argued that tunneling is instantaneous, while others have proposed different ways of defining and measuring the tunneling time.

Recently, a team of researchers from Germany and Spain have made a breakthrough in this field. They have devised an experiment that can measure the tunneling time of an electron with unprecedented accuracy and precision. They used attosecond laser pulses to ionize hydrogen atoms and measure the delay between the emission of an electron and a photon from the same atom. The delay reflects the time it takes for the electron to tunnel out of the atom.

The researchers found that the tunneling time depends on the energy of the electron and the shape of the laser pulse. They also compared their results with different theoretical models and found that none of them fully agreed with the data. This suggests that there is still room for improvement in understanding and describing electron tunneling.

These findings are important for advancing our knowledge of quantum mechanics and its applications. They could also help us develop new technologies that exploit electron tunneling, such as ultrafast electronics, quantum computing, and quantum metrology.

πŸ†• Pioneering Real-Time Edge Applications The realm of science and technology has seen significant advancements, particularly in compressed sensing technology, which is now being pushed to real-time edge applications. This development marks a substantial leap in data processing capab​​​​ilities. How Compressed Sensing Technology Enables Real-Time Edge Applications

The field of science and technology is constantly evolving, and one of the most remarkable breakthroughs is the emergence of compressed sensing technology. Compressed sensing is a technique that allows for the reconstruction of sparse signals from a small number of measurements, reducing the amount of data that needs to be acquired and transmitted. This technology has many applications in various domains, such as medical imaging, radar, astronomy, and more. However, one of the most challenging and exciting applications is the implementation of compressed sensing in real-time edge devices. Edge devices are those that perform data processing at the source or near the source of the data, such as sensors, cameras, smartphones, and IoT devices. These devices have limited resources, such as memory, bandwidth, and power, and therefore require efficient and fast algorithms to process the data. Compressed sensing technology offers a solution to this problem, as it enables edge devices to acquire and transmit less data while preserving the essential information. This way, compressed sensing technology can enhance the performance, reliability, and security of edge applications, as well as enable new functionalities that were not possible before. In this blog post, we will explore some of the benefits and challenges of compressed sensing technology for real-time edge applications, and some of the current and future developments in this field.

πŸš€ Space Exploration 🌌

πŸ†• Astronomical Discoveries and Milestones: This week saw a range of exciting developments in space exploration. Japan achieved a lunar landing with its SLIM project, making it the fifth country to land on the moon. The James Webb Space Telescope uncovered a massive star-forming complex in the LMC, providing new insights into cosmic​​ exploration.Astronomical Discoveries and Milestones: This week saw a range of exciting developments in space exploration. Japan achieved a lunar landing with its SLIM project, making it the fifth country to land on the moon. The James Webb Space Telescope uncovered a massive star-forming complex in the LMC, providing new insights into cosmic​​ exploration.

Welcome to the Space Blog, where we bring you the latest news and updates on the wonders of the universe. In this edition, we will highlight some of the most significant astronomical discoveries and milestones that happened this week.

First, let's congratulate Japan for successfully landing its SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) probe on the lunar surface. The SLIM project is a demonstration of Japan's innovative technology and engineering, as it used a precise navigation system and a lightweight design to achieve a soft landing on a complex terrain. The probe landed near the Marius Hills, a region of volcanic domes and pits that could hold clues about the moon's geologic history. The SLIM mission aims to collect data on the lunar environment and resources, as well as test new technologies for future exploration.

Next, let's marvel at the stunning images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which was launched in December 2021 and is now fully operational. The JWST is the most powerful and complex space telescope ever built, and it is designed to observe the infrared light from distant objects that are otherwise invisible to human eyes. One of its first targets was the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way that is about 160,000 light-years away. The JWST revealed a spectacular view of a massive star-forming complex called 30 Doradus, also known as the Tarantula Nebula. This region is home to thousands of young stars, some of which are among the most massive and luminous in the universe. The JWST also detected signs of dust, gas, and molecules that are essential for the formation of planets and life.

These are just some of the amazing discoveries and achievements that happened this week in space exploration. Stay tuned for more updates on the Space Blog, where we will continue to share with you the wonders of the cosmos.

πŸ†• Honoring the Brave: NASA's Day of Remembrance NASA recently held its 2024 Day of Remembrance to honor astronauts who have lost their lives in the pursuit of space exploration. This solemn event reminds us of the bravery and sacrifices of those who have ventured into the unknown for the advancement of humanity's knowledge.Honoring the Brave: NASA's Day of Remembrance

NASA recently held its 2024 Day of Remembrance to honor astronauts who have lost their lives in the pursuit of space exploration. This solemn event reminds us of the bravery and sacrifices of those who have ventured into the unknown for the advancement of humanity's knowledge.

The Day of Remembrance is an annual tradition that began in 2004, following the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and its crew on February 1, 2003. Since then, NASA has commemorated the lives of all astronauts who have died in the line of duty, including those who perished in the Apollo 1 fire on January 27, 1967, and the Challenger explosion on January 28, 1986.

The ceremony this year was held at the Arlington National Cemetery, where many of the fallen heroes are buried. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine delivered a speech that paid tribute to the courage and dedication of the astronauts, as well as their families and colleagues who supported them. He also emphasized the importance of continuing their legacy by pursuing new frontiers in space exploration.

"As we honor our fallen colleagues today, we also reaffirm our commitment to carry on their mission and to reach for new heights in space. They inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of science and technology, to explore the wonders of the universe, and to improve life on Earth. They are our heroes, and we will never forget them." Bridenstine said.

The ceremony also included a wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a moment of silence, and a flyover by NASA aircraft. The event was attended by NASA officials, astronauts, family members, and other dignitaries. It was broadcast live on NASA TV and online for the public to watch.

NASA also invited people around the world to join in honoring the fallen astronauts by sharing their thoughts and memories on social media using the hashtag #NASARemembers. Many people posted messages of gratitude, admiration, and inspiration for the astronauts who gave their lives for a noble cause.

The Day of Remembrance is not only a time to mourn, but also a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of the astronauts who have shaped our history and future. They have shown us what is possible when we dare to dream and act with courage. They have made us proud to be part of the human race.

πŸ€– Generative AI & Multi-Modal Modelsβš™οΈ

πŸ†• Innovations in Conversational AI: DXwand, a MENA-based startup, raised $4 million to scale its conversational AI platform, aiming to revolutionize customer service and employee assistance with A​​I ChatBots.How DXwand is transforming customer and employee experience with conversational AI

Conversational AI is one of the most promising technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, as it enables natural and intuitive interactions between humans and machines. Conversational AI can power applications such as chatbots, voice assistants, smart speakers, and conversational agents, that can provide personalized, engaging, and efficient services to customers and employees across various domains.

One of the leading startups in the MENA region that is leveraging conversational AI to create innovative solutions is DXwand. DXwand is a conversational AI platform that helps businesses build, deploy, and manage chatbots for various use cases, such as customer service, sales, marketing, HR, and internal communication. DXwand's chatbots can communicate in multiple languages, including Arabic, English, and French, and can integrate with various channels, such as websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and messaging apps.

DXwand's vision is to revolutionize customer service and employee assistance with AI chatbots that can understand the context, intent, and sentiment of the users, and provide them with relevant and accurate information, guidance, and solutions. DXwand's chatbots can also learn from user feedback and data analytics, and improve their performance over time.

DXwand has recently announced that it has raised $4 million in a seed round led by Algebra Ventures, with participation from Global Ventures and Vision Ventures. The funding will help DXwand scale its platform, expand its team, and grow its customer base in the MENA region and beyond. DXwand's current clients include prominent organizations such as Etisalat UAE, Orange Egypt, Savola Group, Al Borg Laboratories, and the Egyptian Ministry of Health.

DXwand's co-founder and CEO, Ahmed El-Sharkasy, said: "We are very excited to partner with Algebra Ventures, Global Ventures, and Vision Ventures in our journey to democratize conversational AI in the MENA region. We believe that conversational AI is the future of customer service and employee assistance, and we are committed to providing our clients with the best solutions that can enhance their business outcomes and user satisfaction."

πŸ†• Smaller, More Focused Generative AI Generative AI continues to evolve, becoming more focused and efficient. Predictions for 2024 include generative AI models that are not only smaller but also open source, indicating a significant shift towards more accessible and versatile AI.How Generative AI is Becoming Smaller and More Focused

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as images, text, music, or code, based on existing data. Generative AI has been advancing rapidly in the past few years, producing impressive results such as deepfakes, GPT-3, and StyleGAN.

However, generative AI also faces some challenges, such as the high computational cost, the ethical and social implications, and the lack of interpretability and control. These challenges have motivated researchers and practitioners to explore new ways of making generative AI more focused and efficient.

One of the trends that we expect to see in 2024 is the development of smaller generative AI models that can achieve comparable or even superior performance to larger models. Smaller models have several advantages, such as lower energy consumption, faster inference, easier deployment, and better privacy protection. Smaller models can also enable more users to access and experiment with generative AI, especially in low-resource settings.

Another trend that we anticipate is the emergence of more open source generative AI models that can be shared and reused by the community. Open source models can foster collaboration, innovation, and transparency in the field of generative AI. Open source models can also facilitate the development of more diverse and inclusive generative AI applications that can address various social and environmental problems.

In conclusion, generative AI is becoming more focused and efficient by adopting smaller and open source models. These trends reflect a significant shift towards more accessible and versatile generative AI that can benefit more people and domains.

🀯 Mental & Physical Health πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš•οΈ

πŸ†• Brain's Influence on Addiction and Disease: A groundbreaking study in Nature Neuroscience highlighted the cerebellum's significant impact on dopamine neurons, offering new insights into the neural pathways linking motivation, addictio​​n, and more.The cerebellum, a brain region that is usually associated with motor control and coordination, may have a much broader role in shaping our behavior and emotions than previously thought. A new study published in Nature Neuroscience reveals that the cerebellum can directly influence dopamine neurons, the brain cells that are involved in reward, motivation, and addiction. This finding opens up new possibilities for understanding and treating disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and substance abuse.

The researchers, led by Dr. Kamran Khodakhah from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, used optogenetics, a technique that allows them to manipulate the activity of specific neurons with light, to examine how the cerebellum interacts with the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a brain region that contains dopamine neurons. They found that stimulating a specific pathway from the cerebellum to the VTA increased the firing of dopamine neurons and induced reward-seeking behavior in mice. Conversely, inhibiting this pathway reduced dopamine neuron activity and decreased reward-seeking behavior.

The study also showed that this cerebellar-VTA pathway is involved in learning and memory. The mice learned to associate a sound with a reward (a drop of sugar water) and showed increased licking behavior when they heard the sound. However, when the researchers disrupted the cerebellar-VTA pathway during the learning process, the mice failed to form this association and did not show increased licking behavior.

These results suggest that the cerebellum not only modulates motor functions, but also influences higher cognitive and emotional processes through its connections with other brain regions. The authors propose that the cerebellum may act as a "master regulator" of brain activity, fine-tuning the output of different neural circuits according to the context and the goal.

This study has important implications for understanding how the brain generates behavior and how it adapts to changing environments. It also provides new insights into the neural mechanisms underlying addiction and other neuropsychiatric disorders that involve dysregulation of dopamine neurons. By targeting the cerebellar-VTA pathway, it may be possible to develop novel therapies that can restore normal dopamine function and alleviate symptoms of these disorders.

πŸ†• Mental Wellness Month: Integrating Emotional and Physical Health January is Mental Wellness Month, a time to focus on the integration of emotional and physical health. This month highlights the importance of understanding the connection between the mind and body, emphasizing the need for holistic approaches to health.How to Achieve Mental Wellness Through Mind-Body Balance

Mental wellness is more than just the absence of mental illness. It is a state of well-being that encompasses your emotional, psychological, and social aspects. Mental wellness affects how you think, feel, and act in everyday life. It also influences how you cope with stress, relate to others, and make choices.

One of the key factors that contribute to mental wellness is the balance between your mind and body. Your mind and body are not separate entities, but rather interconnected systems that influence each other. When your mind and body are in harmony, you can experience optimal health and happiness.

But how can you achieve this balance? Here are some tips to help you integrate your emotional and physical health during Mental Wellness Month and beyond.

- Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the awareness of the present moment, without judgment or attachment. Mindfulness can help you reduce stress, improve mood, enhance focus, and cultivate gratitude. You can practice mindfulness by meditating, breathing deeply, paying attention to your senses, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.

- Exercise regularly. Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but also for your mental health. Exercise can boost your mood, energy, self-esteem, and cognitive function. It can also help you prevent or manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity.

- Eat well. What you eat affects how you feel. A balanced diet can provide you with the nutrients you need to support your brain and body functions. Eating well can also help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and prevent or treat various diseases. Choose foods that are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, salt, and additives.

- Sleep well. Sleep is essential for your mental and physical health. Sleep can help you consolidate memory, regulate emotions, repair tissues, and strengthen immunity. Lack of sleep can impair your concentration, mood, judgment, and productivity. It can also increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental disorders. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night, and follow a regular sleep schedule.

- Seek support. You are not alone in your journey to mental wellness. There are many people who can help you along the way, such as your family, friends, co-workers, health professionals, or community groups. Seek support when you need it, and offer support when you can. Sharing your feelings, thoughts, experiences, and goals can help you cope with challenges, find solutions, and celebrate successes.

πŸ”­ Looking AheadπŸ”

πŸ‘οΈThe Future of Health and Technology: As we move forward, the intersections of health, technology, and innovation will continue to be a key focus in shaping our new world. Stay tuned for more in-depth analysis and insights on these rapidly evolving fields.The Future of Health and Technology: As we move forward, the intersections of health, technology, and innovation will continue to be a key focus in shaping our new world. Stay tuned for more in-depth analysis and insights on these rapidly evolving fields.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the latest developments and trends in health and technology that are transforming the way we live, work, and care for ourselves and others. We will also discuss some of the challenges and opportunities that these changes present for individuals, organizations, and society at large.

Some of the topics we will cover include:

- How artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are enhancing diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and improving health outcomes.

- How wearable devices, sensors, and biometrics are enabling personalized and proactive health management and wellness.

- How telehealth, digital platforms, and mobile apps are expanding access to health care services and information and creating new models of care delivery and collaboration.

- How blockchain, cloud computing, and data analytics are ensuring security, privacy, and interoperability of health data and systems.

- How gene editing, biotechnology, and nanotechnology are advancing the frontiers of medicine and biomedicine and creating new possibilities for curing diseases and enhancing human capabilities.

We hope you will find this blog post informative and engaging. We welcome your feedback and comments. Please share your thoughts and questions with us below or contact us at Thank you for reading!

πŸ”₯ Remote Work: Generative AI - Friend or Foe The pandemic has accelerated remote work, reshaping the workforce. This shift has brought both opportunities and challenges, especially as generative AI begins to play a more significant role in various industries. Remote Work: Generative AI - Friend or Foe

The pandemic has accelerated remote work, reshaping the workforce. This shift has brought both opportunities and challenges, especially as generative AI begins to play a more significant role in various industries. In this blog post, we will explore how generative AI can be a friend or a foe for remote workers, and what are some of the best practices to leverage its potential while avoiding its pitfalls.

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, or video, based on some input or data. For example, generative AI can write a summary of a document, generate a logo for a brand, compose a music track, or create a realistic face. Generative AI can also enhance existing content, such as adding color to black and white photos, translating text to another language, or converting speech to text.

Generative AI can be a friend for remote workers in many ways. It can help them:

- Save time and effort by automating tedious or repetitive tasks, such as writing emails, reports, or presentations.

- Boost creativity and innovation by generating new ideas, concepts, or designs, or by providing inspiration or feedback.

- Improve quality and accuracy by reducing errors, inconsistencies, or biases, or by providing suggestions or corrections.

- Increase engagement and satisfaction by making work more fun, interesting, or personalized.

However, generative AI can also be a foe for remote workers in some cases. It can pose some risks, such as:

- Replacing human workers by performing tasks better, faster, or cheaper than them.

- Misleading or deceiving users by generating fake or inaccurate content, such as deepfakes, spam, or propaganda.

- Violating ethical or legal principles by infringing on privacy, security, or intellectual property rights, or by harming human dignity or values.

- Causing confusion or distrust by creating ambiguity or uncertainty about the source, quality, or reliability of the content.

Therefore, remote workers need to be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of generative AI and use it wisely and responsibly. Some of the best practices to do so are:

- Choose the right tool for the right task. Not all generative AI tools are suitable for all tasks. Remote workers should evaluate the capabilities and limitations of each tool and select the one that best fits their needs and goals.

- Verify the output and provide feedback. Generative AI tools are not perfect and may produce errors or inaccuracies. Remote workers should always check the output and provide feedback to improve the tool's performance and quality.

- Cite the source and give credit. Generative AI tools are not original creators but rather collaborators. Remote workers should always cite the source and give credit to the tool and its developers when using its output.

- Respect the rights and values of others. Generative AI tools may generate content that violates the rights or values of others. Remote workers should always respect the privacy, security, and intellectual property rights of others and avoid generating content that is harmful, offensive, or inappropriate.

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