Kids Online Safety Act Day of Action Seeks to Protect Children's Mental Health

Today, November 8th, 2023, is the Kids Online Safety Act Day of Action, organized by Mental Health America. The advocacy event calls on citizens nationwide to contact their U.S. Senators and urge support for the Kids Online Safety Act (S.1409). This bipartisan legislation aims to hold social media companies accountable for ensuring safety on their platforms and addressing mental health harms to children and teenagers.

The bill has 49 co-sponsors evenly split between parties, but more support is needed. Advocates are requesting that constituents call or write to their Senators to co-sponsor the act if they have not already done so. They are also asking that all Senators push Senate leadership to bring the act to the floor for a vote before the end of the year.

Mental health concerns among America's youth have been rising at an alarming rate, with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and self-harm on the increase. While social media is not the sole cause, research shows some platforms intentionally employ features that can negatively impact mental health. The Kids Online Safety Act seeks to curb these practices and make companies consider user well-being.

The bipartisan support for this legislation shows that protecting children's mental health is an issue members on both sides of the aisle care about deeply. But citizens need to make their voices heard and tell lawmakers this issue matters to them.

Please join the Day of Action by contacting your Senators today and urging them to co-sponsor the Kids Online Safety Act if they have not already. We must work together to safeguard the mental health of the next generation. The future well-being of our nation's youth is at stake.


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